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Monday, May 6, 2019

Cool Home Improvement Projects You Can Do on a Budget

Check out Cool Home Improvement Projects You Can Do on a Budget
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It might be time to make some updates around your home.

There are a number of home improvement projects that you can do without spending a fortune. With a little bit of DIY skill and some creative ideas, you can create some incredible transformations.

Closet Organization

You can make your closet look bigger than it really is when you organize it properly. You don’t have to spend thousands of dollars to have a professional company to create shelves and drawers. Instead, there are a few DIY tricks that you can do. Use boxes or baskets to keep some of the smaller accessories. Add another clothes rod in the closet, too, allowing you to get a second row of clothes into the same space. You may want to consider installing a few shelves in the closet so that things can be removed from the floor.

Garage Floor Epoxy

Epoxy installation is easier than you might think. If you’re tired of looking at the cracks and stains on your garage floor, there are kits that you can buy. Before applying the primer, you'll want to sand or grind the top of your concrete thoroughly and vacuum up any dust. Then, you can even add colored bits to ensure that you have the garage floor that you have always wanted. It will be easier to keep the garage floor clean, too.

Kitchen Backsplash

If you’re tired of looking at the same boring wall in your kitchen, you can add some color and style with a backsplash. With some glue, tile, and grout, you can create a backsplash above the sink, behind the stove, and around all of the countertops. It’s a great way to keep the area clean, too. Now, if you splash spaghetti sauce or something else on the wall, it’s easy to wipe clean.


Off-white walls are the standard inside of most houses. You can transform any room in the house with a little bit of paint. Metallic paints can add a luxurious look to dining rooms and hallways while chevron and harlequin prints can add whimsy to bedrooms and home offices. Choose bright colors that can add plenty of personality to a room. With a drop cloth, a paintbrush, and a few stencils, you can accomplish quite a bit.

Don’t be afraid to think out of the box for your home improvement projects. By doing it yourself and using creative ideas, you don’t have to spend a lot of money.

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