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Showing posts with label Walmart. Show all posts

Sunday, October 1, 2023

October Shopping Guide

 Check out all the Krazy deals we found for October.
This post contains paid affiliate links, please read our Advertising Disclosure Statement.

It's FINALLY Spooky Time!!
🎶Deck the halls with ghosts and goblins🎶

With the change of seasons and the drop in temperatures, there will be plenty of deals in October to cash in on.

Outdoor furniture for one! People tend to spend less time outdoors when the temperatures drop unless you live in Florida like we do then you spend more time outside enjoying the cooler weather! Expect deals on patio furniture and outdoor living products in the Fall as retailers make room for the upcoming Christmas décor.

Fall inventory generally starts arriving in stores around August and September, however, you’ll pay top dollar unless you wait just a few weeks. October is an excellent time to buy a new pair of jeans or a cozy cardigan.
Also the closer you get to Oct. 31, the more your chances increase of snagging a discounted deal on a bag or two of candy for all your trick-or-treaters.

So, if you're like me and always looking to save even more money on your online purchases two of my go-to coupon and coupon code browser extensions are Honey and RakutenIbotta has recently launched a Beta Browser that is on the fast track to becoming my favorite browser, I highly recommend checking it out and giving it a try! I also recommend using cashback apps to earn money back on your every day in-store and online purchases. My favorite cashback apps are Ibotta and Fetch Rewards.

Thank you for stopping by and checking out our October Shopping Guide! Which Krazy Deal are you most excited about this month? Be sure to let us know in the comments below!

If you enjoyed this post, we’d be very grateful if you’d help it spread by emailing it to a friend or sharing it on Twitter and/or Facebook. Don't want to lose this? Pin it on Pinterest so you can get back to it later!

Have a great day!

Monday, September 18, 2023

DIY Halloween Apothecary Tutorial

Check out all the spooky goodness in this DIY Apothecary Tutorial 
and be sure to watch the full Video Tutorial below!
This post contains paid affiliate links, please read our Advertising Disclosure Statement.

Halloween 2016 was our first Halloween in our new house. The thrill of decorating this new house was almost overwhelming. Figuring out where I was going to put things, what theme was I going to do, should I even do a theme at all, do I have enough decorations (this house is twice the size of our last house...), what am I going to make?...etc. So many questions and so little time to make up my mind and get it all done...!

Apothecary Jars

One of the projects I wanted to make last year was an apothecary cabinet unfortunately I ran out of time and was unable to get it done... Fast forward to 2017 and here we are, my first project of the Season! While perusing Pinterest looking for inspiration I found there are several methods to making Apothecary jars. I found it hard to choose just one, so I've decided to try them all! As the old saying goes "variety is the spice of life."

So to get started, right off the bat you need a variety of jars and Bottles. I collected a variety of bottles and jars periodically throughout the year after deciding I wanted to do this project. You could ask friends and neighbors if they would save theirs for you as well. You could also check out your local thrift stores and even get some from the Dollar Tree like I did. You can also collect a few candle holders to add interest to some of your jars.

Next is figuring out what creepy crawlies you're going to put in your jars and bottles that you will be able to actually see the contents of. Eyeballs, spiders, snakes, worms, mice and assortments of creepy-crawlies are best (all fake of you can find these items at Dollar stores like the Dollar Tree, party supply stores, Amazon and the party or fishing sections of most department stores like Wal-Mart.

Apothecary Labels

Now what about those labels? Well if you're handy with Photoshop or any desktop publishing software and you're creative, you could make your own. You could also jump onto the Google machine and type “free printable Apothecary labels” into the search bar and see if any of those results tickle your fancy.

Next you'll need to gather your crafting supplies:

  • sandpaper 
  • E6000 or other really strong adhesive 
  • Feathers 
  • Scissors 
  • Tea bag 
  • School glue 
  • Glue gun with glue sticks 
  • Mod Podge 
  • Paint 
  • Paint brushes 
  • Container of water for brushes 
  • Paint palette 
  • Twine 
  • Moss 
  • Burlap 
  • Fabric scraps 
  • Paper towel 
  • Food coloring 
  • Printer paper 
  • Water 
  • Container to mix water and food coloring 
  • Assortment of toppers for jars and bottles 
  • Corks

Now that we have everything we need let's get started! Did you decide to get candle holder bases? Grab your E6000 glue and glue those on and set aside to dry, also dye fabric with tea bag if needed. (Don’t forget to dry them after you get them dyed.) Now we need to age your containers.

Here are a couple ways we can do this for your clear containers that you will see the contents of:

  1. Sand them with sandpaper 
  2. Paint them with school glue 
  3. Add a little green and or brown paint to some school glue and paint them to give a dirty, muddy effect (my favorite option) 

For your containers you can't see the contents of you'll want to add some embellishments first:

  1. You can use your hot glue gun to write on the containers or even glue on some creepy-crawlies before you paint. 
  2. Spray paint with flat black paint or hand paint (I prefer hand painting. ) 
  3. Dry brush with a lighter color like gray or brown, allowing some of the black paint to show through. When you add dimensional embellishments it gives them more character and interest. 
  4. You could also Mod Podge paper towel or fabric scraps to your jars and Bottles before using the painting techniques mentioned above.

After you've aged your jars and bottles and allowed them to dry, it's time to fill them, seal them, and add their top Embellishments. For your “clear” bottles and jars you're going to add your creepy-crawlies, then mix up some colored water with your food coloring, pour it into your jars and put the lids/caps on them. If you don't want them opened ever again you can glue your Lids on at this point.


Then add any extra toppers and paint the lids if you so desire. After your lids are done and dry “(if painted), you can now add your final embellishments and labels.

Finally it's time to set up your apothecary display. When setting up your display don't forget those little extra touches that really make your display pop. You can add some Halloween figures, little skeletons, lights...etc. For mine I added some spells scrolls tied with twine and put them in a crystal bowl that already resides in the cabinet I set my display in. Instead of finding the bowl a new home, I found a way to incorporate it.

Get creative and let your imagination run wild. The spookier the better!

Thank you for stopping by and checking out our DIY Halloween Apothecary Tutorial! Which DIY Apothecary technique did you like the best? Be sure to let us know in the comments below!

If you enjoyed this post, we’d be very grateful if you’d help it spread by emailing it to a friend or sharing it on Twitter and/or Facebook. Don't want to lose this? Pin it on Pinterest so you can get back to it later!

Have a great day and Happy Haunting!!

Friday, September 1, 2023

September Shopping Guide


Check out all the Krazy deals we found for September.
This post contains paid affiliate links, please read our Advertising Disclosure Statement.


September marks the closing of summer and the beginning of the Fall season and everything pumpkin spice!


Since we're closing out summer, you're sure to find some pretty amazing deals on patio furniture and grills at top retailors such as Home Depot, Walmart, Lowes, Bed Bath & Beyond, and even Amazon.


Of course, you'll also be seeing some nice deals on summer attire as they make room for the upcoming fall inventory.


School supplies! Whether your child is doing in-person learning or Remote eLearning. You should be able to find some really good deals on school supplies.


September has also always been known for its great appliance deals. And this is what I found at Best Buy and Home Depot.


So, if you're like me and always looking to save even more money on your online purchases two of my go-to coupon and coupon code browser extensions are Honey and RakutenIbotta has recently launched a Beta Browser that is on the fast track to becoming my favorite browser, I highly recommend checking it out and giving it a try! I also recommend using cashback apps to earn money back on your every day in-store and online purchases. My favorite cashback apps are Ibotta and Fetch Rewards.

Thank you for stopping by and checking out our September Shopping Guide! What sales and deals do you look forward to in September? What other apps, and/or browser extensions do you like to use to save money? Be sure to let us know in the comments below! If you enjoyed this post, we’d be very grateful if you’d help it spread by emailing it to a friend or sharing it on Twitter and/or Facebook. Don't want to lose this? Pin it on Pinterest so you can get back to it later!

Have A Great Day!


Other Krazy Deal Daze Post You May Be Interested In:

Wednesday, March 31, 2021

April Shopping Guide 2021

Check out all the Krazy deals we found for April 2021.
This post contains paid affiliate links, please read our Advertising Disclosure Statement.

April showers bring May flowers and also the dreaded spring cleaning.

Now is the time to start packing away those winter clothes. You can find many deals on storage totes, organization, and cleaning supplies. April is also a great time to replace your vacuum cleaner. I know buying a vacuum isn’t necessarily the most exciting purchase you'll make, but it can be less painful when you’re taking advantage of a spring cleaning sale. Easter is Sunday, April 4th this year, and when Easter is done and over, leftover candy and Easter-related products will be deeply discounted.

Also with winter finally over (for some of, it’s the perfect time to get active again and there will be many deals on sneakers and activewear to help you out. Consider this your reminder and extra motivation to keep working towards those fitness goals you set in January! Keep going, YOU GOT THIS!!

Surprisingly tires also go down in price around April, so if you need to replace them, April is a great month to find Krazy Deals on some new tires. Also, FYI Mother's Day is right around the corner coming up on Sunday, May 9th to be exact, so some April deals would work out well too, as small appliances and jewelry tend to be discounted in April.

April definitely has its fair share of spring deals and discounts. Other dates to remember coming up in April Earth Day on Monday the 22nd, Administrative Professionals Day on Wednesday the 21st, and Arbor Day on Friday the 26th. Normally Tax Day is April 15th however, this year it has been extended to May 17th, 2021. 

With Covid-19 still lingering our shopping experiences have shifted to even more online shopping. So, if you're like me and always looking to save even more money on your online purchases two of my go-to coupon and coupon code browser extensions are Honey and Rakuten. Ibotta has recently launched a Beta Browser that is on the fast track to becoming my favorite browser, I highly recommend checking it out and giving it a try! I also recommend using cashback apps to earn money back on your every day in-store and online purchases. My favorite cashback apps are Ibotta and Fetch Rewards.

Thank you for stopping by and checking out our April Shopping Guide 2021! What sales and deals do you look forward to in April? What other apps, and/or browser extensions do you like to use to save money? Be sure to let us know in the comments below! If you enjoyed this post, we’d be very grateful if you’d help it spread by emailing it to a friend or sharing it on Twitter and/or Facebook. Don't want to lose this? Pin it on Pinterest so you can get back to it later!

Friday, March 5, 2021

March Shopping Guide 2021

Check out all the Krazy deals we found for March 2021.
This post contains paid affiliate links, please read our Advertising Disclosure Statement.

Although there are no major shopping holidays in March, 

March winds will still be blowing in some fabulous deals.

If outdoor grilling is something you enjoy, this is the best time to stock up on all your essential BBQ supplies, such as that dream grill you've always wanted. After all that grilling, exercise equipment will be a good buy as well. Many stores have great deals available.

Now that winter is winding down you’ll come across some amazing deals on riding and push mowers, just in time for spring. After all the first day of Spring is just right around the corner, the 2021 Spring Equinox falls on Saturday, March 20th.

March is also National Frozen Food Month, so be on the lookout for awesome deals to stock up on. Winter clothing sales will still be going strong in most stores to get ready for spring and summer lines. It would be a great time to snag some deals on coats, sweaters etc. Of course Saint Patrick's Day is coming up on Wednesday, March 17th so look for deals throughout the stores as they tend to have sales around any holiday, even St. Patty's Day! Department stores and online retailers will usually discount their selection of green-themed clothing, party supplies and jewelry as well.

Lastly, March is traditionally the month when spring cleaning and organizing officially gets started, it's also a great time of the year when you can do more than just declutter. It's also a great time to buy materials for your upcoming home renovations.

Don't forget, the dreaded tax season is still upon us. There are many deals to be found on DIY Tax software.

With Covid-19 still lingering our shopping experiences have shifted to even more online shopping. So, if you're like me and always looking to save even more money on your online purchases two of my go-to coupon and coupon code browser extensions are Honey and Rakuten. Ibotta has recently launched a Beta Browser that is on the fast track to becoming my favorite browser, I highly recommend checking it out and giving it a try! I also recommend using cashback apps to earn money back on your everyday in-store and online purchases. My favorite cashback apps are Ibotta and Fetch Rewards.

Thank you for stopping by and checking out our March Shopping Guide 2021! What sales and deals do you look forward to in March? What other apps, and/or browser extensions do you like to use to save money? Be sure to let us know in the comments below! If you enjoyed this post, we’d be very grateful if you’d help it spread by emailing it to a friend or sharing it on Twitter and/or Facebook. Don't want to lose this? Pin it on Pinterest so you can get back to it later!

Have a great day!

Saturday, February 6, 2021

February Shopping Guide 2021

Check out all the Krazy deals we found for February 2021.
This post contains paid affiliate links, please read our Advertising Disclosure Statement.

February is the month of love!

What better time to buy your love a beautiful new trinket, jewelry, or flowers, be sure to check out the Valentine's Day Shop!

There are so many awesome deals to be found so don’t forget to treat yourself as well! February is also the perfect time to stock up on winter apparel. Many stores are getting ready for spring and are still offering those deep discounts on their winter apparel and winter sporting accessories.

This year Presidents Day is Monday, February 15th, and is the traditional time to catch some fantastic deals on home goods and apparel. Many stores are having sales on sheets, towels, pots and pans, appliances, and of course heaters and electric fireplaces as well.

Let's not forget, the Daytona 500 and the Super Bowl are coming up. It would be the perfect time to score some deals on a new TV! There are many deals to be found on the TV of your dreams.

And finally, the dreaded tax season is upon us. There are many deals to be found on DIY  Tax software.

With Covid-19 still lingering our shopping experiences have shifted to even more online shopping. So, if you're like me and always looking to save even more money on your online purchases two of my go-to coupon and coupon code browser extensions are Honey and RakutenIbotta has recently launched a Beta Browser that is on the fast track to becoming my favorite browser, I highly recommend checking it out and giving it a try! I also recommend using cashback apps to earn money back on your every day in-store and online purchases. My favorite cashback apps are Ibotta and Fetch Rewards.

Thank you for stopping by and checking out our February Shopping Guide 2021! What sales and deals do you look forward to in February? What other apps, and/or browser extensions do you like to use to save money? Be sure to let us know in the comments below! If you enjoyed this post, we’d be very grateful if you’d help it spread by emailing it to a friend or sharing it on Twitter and/or Facebook. Don't want to lose this? Pin it on Pinterest so you can get back to it later!

Have a great day!

Other Krazy Deal Daze Post You May Be Interested In:

Tuesday, January 26, 2021

January Shopping Guide 2021

Check Out All The Krazy Deals We Found For January 2021
This post contains paid affiliate links, please read our Advertising Disclosure Statement.

Although a little late, Happy New Year!! 

Wow, the start of 2021 has been quite the whirlwind, so let's kick off 2021 and finish January with some savings.

The holiday season has come to an end and the new year is here! With a brand new year comes a fresh new batch of brand new sales. January is a wonderful time for new beginnings and fresh starts. Can we say New Year’s Resolutions!? Sporting goods stores and fitness retailers know you want to get in shape this year. So look for fitness apparel and equipment sales to help you reach your health and fitness goals!

In January Department stores have “white Sales” on their bedding and linens. So look for those “white sales” throughout the month of January to stock up on fresh new towels and sheets for the new year! Clothing deals also make up the greater part of January's best sales and discounts. You'll discover a great deal of winter wear on the clearance and closeout racks as stores are trying to make room for the spring styles. In many parts of the nation, it's still chilly and frosty enough to still need that winter coat. What a great opportunity to start working on next year’s winter wardrobe while cashing in on big savings!

When it comes to the world of furniture, new styles will be hitting the market in February, which means retailers will be clearing out the previous season’s stock in January. So if you’re in the market for some new furniture now would be the time to see what’s left and how Krazy of a deal you can get!

Let's not forget that Super Bowl is right around the corner and that means discounts on TV’s and many more home-theater essentials. Speaking of Super Bowl. Let’s not forget about representing our favorite sports team! So keep your eye out for these deals to score big!

With Covid-19 still lingering our shopping experiences have shifted to even more online shopping. So, if you're like me and always looking to save even more money on your online purchases two of my go-to coupon and coupon code browser extensions are Honey and RakutenIbotta has recently launched a Beta Browser that is on the fast track to becoming my favorite browser, I highly recommend checking it out and giving it a try! I also recommend using cashback apps to earn money back on your every day in-store and online purchases. My favorite cashback apps are Ibotta and Fetch Rewards.

Thank you for stopping by and checking out our January Shopping Guide 2021! What sales and deals do you look forward to in January? What other apps, and/or browser extensions do you like to use to save money? Be sure to let us know in the comments below! If you enjoyed this post, we’d be very grateful if you’d help it spread by emailing it to a friend or sharing it on Twitter and/or Facebook. Don't want to lose this? Pin it on Pinterest so you can get back to it later!


Have a great day!


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